Actually, the retreat center is in Beaverton Oregon which is just outside of Portland. I was a little curious at first knowing of all the chaos and anarchy that took place in Portland over the last few years, but this retreat center is safely and tranquilly away from all that Satanic activity.
The Sisters at Our Lady of Peace Conference Center, invited me to come and give talks at their annual retreat. I’m here for three days with a lovely group of folks and able to share things that are exciting to me. The theme of the conference retreat is “Mystical Union with Mary.”
I couldn’t think of a better way to address that topic in my talks than to introduce people to the “real Mary” that they would’ve met in Nazareth 2000 years ago. I asked them to forget for a while that they are Americans living in a democracy with running water and air conditioning speaking English — and to use their imagination to step back in time 2000 years to a different world.
My first talk was “A Day in the Life of the Holy Family”, then two hours to discuss the whole life of Mary from the Old Testament prophecies to her birth to her reign in heaven. a very fun two hours!
I also gave my conversion story as well, along with the “Life of St. Joseph the Manly Man”. I also presented my new “The 12 Unknown Sorrows of Mary” which fit perfectly with the Sisters’ Order named the Sister of our Lady of Sorrows. The talk was all new to them and was very well them and very well received.
I was also blessed to meet up with two friends during my stay here. First, William Deatherage who is in charge of all my websites and Internet technology. Great young man who is not only a web developer with a whole company behind him but also a new masters in theology. Love this guy!
Also a friend who is somewhat of a relative since he is married to the sister of my son-in-law Ben Brown. Rolando Moreno stopped by to visit. He is Director of Faith Formation & Catechesis for the archdiocese of Portland Oregon. Nice retreat all the way around.
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