Stirring words from the inimitable Jordan Peterson, and from the National Post, to boot. Is the mainstream media beginning to crack? Certainly, Canada, and Canadians, are indeed being stressed to the breaking point: Enough of the unhinged fear and panic, beaten into our brains by repeated repetition, and back to the reality that we used to call ‘life, and the freedom requisite to live it. As Peterson concludes, time for some courage.
All the while, as suspected, the movements (and conversations?) of Canadians are being tracked via their ‘smart’ phones. This happens to be the anniversary of the unveiling of the first I-phone, back in 2007, and it would take some convincing that Jobs’ sleek device has made the world a better place, to say nothing of our minds and souls. Might it be time to chuck these devices into Mount Doom, even if you need a Gollum to bite off your texting finger? At the very least control them, and do not let them control you.
Pax, ad omnes +
The post It’s Time to Start Living Again: Jordan Peterson appeared first on Catholic Insight.
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