What is it in Christ’s words that have the power to drive out unclean spirits? While human words are always linked to the rational or abstract, God’s words are linked to action. We see this in the bible. In the book of Genesis, God’s words equal action: “Let there be light and there was light.” Furthermore God’s words also show us the path to happiness and truth. In second letter to Timothy 3:17, Paul says: “It is useful for refuting error, for guiding people’s lives and teaching
them to be upright.”

But God’s words are especially powerful because the Word of God is Jesus Christ manifested. The Virgin Mary received the Word from an angel and her acceptance led the way for the Redeemer to come amongst us. The Word of God calls us to respond. We all receive the Word but it is up to us to put it into practice. How we lead our lives will show how we respond to God’s Word.