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Morelia, Mexico, May 18, 2021 / 15:01 pm (CNA).
With less than a month before the 2021 Mexican legislative election, the bishops of the ecclesiastical province of Morelia in Michoacán state on Saturday called on politicians “not to promise heaven to make us live in a hell.”
In a May 15 statement, the bishops asked the candidates that the proposals they offer be based on the reality of each district and the state and have the real possibility of providing a solution.
“Don’t fall into making false promises that sow unrealistic expectations that only lead to disappointment and frustration,” the bishops stressed.
The ecclesiastical province of Morelia covers the dioceses of Morelia, Tacámbaro, Apatzingán, Zamora, and Ciudad Lázaro Cárdenas.
On June 6, Mexicans will vote for 500 representatives to the Chamber of Deputies and more than 20,000 local offices, such as governors, local representatives, and mayors.
The bishops “profoundly lamented the acts of violence that continue to take place in different parts of Mexico and Michoacán,” in particular “the violent attacks against candidates for positions elected by popular vote. Violence is not the way to help build a better society.”
They also thanked the apostolic nuncio in Mexico, Archbishop Franco Coppola, for his visit to the Diocese of Apatzingán at the end of April.
“Your presence among us has been a witness of faith and solidarity not only to these communities but to the 113 administrative districts that make up the state that are suffering from the consequences of violence, where criminal gangs are trying to take control.”
“We ask the appropriate authorities to seek more lasting and far-reaching solutions to achieve peace and social stability,” the bishops said, and asked all Mexicans to participate in the elections.
The bishops urged citizens to cast a “useful, strategic vote” which means it must be in support of “peace, social justice, equal opportunity, reconciliation, the fight against misery and poverty, and respect for the dignity of each person.”
Such a vote “doesn’t corrupt or allow itself to be corrupted, it’s like salt, it preserves and provides flavor.”
“A responsible citizen reasons, discerns, prays based on his faith and makes the best decision for each elected position,” the bishops said, adding that “a useful, strategic vote respects the candidates chosen by the people and supports unity, reconciliation and collaboration.”
“From our faith we exhort you to pray together to God the Father asking for the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Joseph, so that these elections will be carried out in harmony, respect, truth and justice for the glory of God and the good of our peoples,” the bishops concluded.
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