Chorbishop Sharbel Maroun, pastor of St. Maron Maronite Catholic Church in Minneapolis, joined “Practicing Catholic” radio show host Patrick Conley March 19 to discuss Maronite traditions for Lent and Easter.

Conley first asked Chorbishop Maroun to explain from which area of Catholicism does the Maronite Church stem. “In the Catholic Church — there is one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church — and this Church has 22 branches, at least — 22, or 24, sometimes, they are counted,” Chorbishop Maroun said. Twenty-one come from the East and one comes from the West. “The western Church, of course, is the Roman Catholic, which is the largest,” he said, “and referred to sometimes as the Latin Church because of the language.”

Chorbishop Sharbel Maroun

Chorbishop Sharbel Maroun

In the East, 21 branches sprouted out of Constantinople, Alexandria and Antioch, he said. “And Jerusalem, of course, is the mother of all the Churches,” Chorbishop Maroun said, “and the Maronites fall under the Antiochian tradition.” That’s where the followers of Jesus were called Christians for the first time, he said.

What are some Lenten traditions in the Maronite Church? Well, first, Lent starts on a Monday — Ash Monday. “We need two extra days of prayers,” he said with a laugh. “But it’s the calculation of numbers.”

He gave multiple examples of other traditions. For one, in addition to the Stations of the Cross, the Maronite Church has the Benediction of the cross, which focuses on the five wounds of Jesus on the cross, he said. And Good Friday — or “Great Friday” — includes a liturgy called “the signing of the chalice.”

How about Easter traditions? In the Maronite Church, one tradition is having a taste and experience of what Easter was like 2,020 years ago, Chorbishop Maroun said. Food eaten at Easter would be similar to that eaten during the time of Jesus and the Apostles. And probably “a Mary and the Apostles” speaking in the dialect that Jesus spoke, he said.

To hear more details on Lenten and Easter traditions in the Maronite Church, including the signing of the chalice — and the full interview — tune in to the 9 p.m. March 19 episode of “Practicing Catholic” on Relevant Radio 1330 AM. It also airs at 1 p.m. March 20 and 2 p.m. March 21.

“Practicing Catholic” is produced by Relevant Radio and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Other guest interviews on the March 19 “Practicing Catholic” show are Steve Hawkins, who describes helping the homeless by volunteering with Friends of Dorothy Day, and Deacon Nathan Allen, who discusses a podcast for learning the Latin language.

Listen to their interviews after they have aired:

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