In a letter to members of Congress, four bishops who chair committees of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops shared their “vision for an authentically life-affirming
society that prioritizes the well-being of families.” They then offered 15 legislative recommendations.
“The Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobbs case is an extraordinary step forward in our nation’s journey to respect the dignity of every person, regardless of age, race, immigration status, or any other factor,” the bishops wrote. “But that journey does not end with Dobbs.”
“We are praying and working for changes in hearts and minds, circumstances and policy, that will help everyone to treasure each and every fellow human being in a society oriented to supporting children and their parents,” they continued. “In other words, we hope for the day when abortion is unthinkable because society has successfully reckoned with the challenges of raising children in the modern world and has decided to make the full flourishing of children and their families the highest goal, without anyone being excluded.”
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