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Month: August 2022

How Our Good Works Help Get Us to Heaven

The question of how we are saved is arguably the biggest issue in Catholic-Protestant theological dialogues. Most Protestants believe we are saved by faith alone, but we Catholics believe that we’re saved by faith and good works. Now, since both sides agree that faith is part of the equation, these discussions tend to center on […]

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St John Marie Vianney, Our Life’s Companion

Recently, as I was reading, I came across a very intriguing quote by Robert Lee Fulghum, who said: The solution to alone-ness is not more solitude, but companionship and community. In our world, where alone-ness and solitude are becoming the order of the day, we certainly need more community. A great companion in this existential[…]

The post St John Marie Vianney, Our Life’s Companion appeared first on Catholic Insight.

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It’s All About Liturgy

The author here makes a good point, that regardless of how bad, awful, outlandish, puerile, even sacrilegious liturgical abuse may be, it is almost never disciplined or corrected, but tolerated, and even, in many ways, aided and abetted. Sadly, it seems, liturgia moribundus est. But all is not lost. We may reiterate the point that[…]

The post It’s All About Liturgy appeared first on Catholic Insight.

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Camp helps newcomers adjust to new life

While with students at a local park during a summer day camp for newcomers and their families, English as a Second Language (ESL) resource teacher Christine Ignas was handed a cell phone. It was the father from one of the families in the camp who wante…

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If an act of kindness happens and no one is there to film it, did it really happen?

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