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Month: August 2022


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the attack on traditional Catholics: We live in a time when crackpots on the left and the right are surging, conjuring up conspiratorial theories about everything from the January 6 riot to the design …

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The Mystery of the Assumption

When I was growing up, my family prayed the Rosary every evening. This devotion was passed down to my mother from her mother and grandmother. The meditations we used came from a book entitled Rosary Novenas to Our Lady by Charles V. Lacey, and we recited them so many times that some of my siblings […]

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Ortega regime prevents Marian image from being displayed in diocese

ROME – On Saturday, Nicaraguan Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes blessed several images of Our Lady of Fatima that would go to each diocese.  On Sunday, the government banned the priest from the diocese of Matagalpa, where the local bishop is under virtual house arrest, from receiving the image. Father Erick Diaz, […]

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