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Month: August 2022

Synodal Perils and Possibilities

Pope Francis’ lead-up to the Synod on Synodality is entering the “continental” phase. And this moment raises some serious questions,…

The post Synodal Perils and Possibilities appeared first on The Catholic Thing.

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Four nuns kidnapped in Nigeria (Fides)

Four women religious, members of the Sisters of Jesus the Savior, were kidnapped in southeast Nigeria on August 21.
Sisters Johannes Nwodo, Christabel Echemazu, Liberata Mbamalu, and Benita Agu were taken prisoner when their car was stopped by gunmen…

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The Demands of the Christian Life

The Gospel of Luke combines inexpressible tenderness with an intolerable severity. Consider the contrast between the parables of the prodigal son or the good Samaritan with the harsh words in today’s Gospel: “I do not know you. . .; go away from me, you evildoers. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth . .[…]

The post The Demands of the Christian Life appeared first on Catholic Insight.

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