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Month: August 2022

#10773 Open Forum – Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

03:20 – If a Roman Catholic doesn’t commit mortal sin, then is it still necessary to increase in merit to increase in justification?
11:53 – What is a doctor of the church is how does someone become one?
14:40 – On…

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Father Martin apologizes for ‘not being clearer’ about Archbishop Weakland’s ‘sins and crimes’

Father James Martin, SJ / Kerry Weber via Wikimedia (CC BY 4.0)

CNA Newsroom, Aug 23, 2022 / 16:30 pm (CNA).
Father James Martin, SJ, said he was sorry Tuesday for not having been clearer about the “sins and crimes” of Archbishop Rembert W…

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Housing for homeless pregnant women called ‘beautiful work of compassion’

Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez Aug. 19 described a new residence in the city for homeless pregnant women and their children as a “beautiful work of compassion and care for our most vulnerable neighbors.”

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New Chinese Catholic leaders say they’ll follow Communist Party principles

Two state-sponsored church bodies in China have elected new leaders, who promised to invigorate the Catholic faithful pastorally in line with the socialist principles of the Chinese Communist Party.

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Kidnapped Nigerian religious sisters released

Sr. Johannes Nwodo (R), Sr. Christabel Echemazu (L), Sr. Liberata Mbamalu (C), and Sr. Benita Agu, freed from captivity in Nigeria’s Imo State, Aug. 23, 2022. / Courtesy photo

Denver Newsroom, Aug 23, 2022 / 15:19 pm (CNA).

Four religious sisters who were kidnapped while on their way to Mass Aug. 21 have been released, according to their order. 

Sisters Johannes Nwodo, Christabel Echemazu, Liberata Mbamalu, and Benita Agu were kidnapped Aug. 21 in Nigeria’s Imo state, located in the south of the country. 

After two days of seeking “intense prayer” for their “quick and safe release,” the Sisters of Jesus the Saviour announced the abductees’ “unconditional and safe release” in a statement Aug. 23. 

“Today is a memorable day for us, therefore, we wish to share this joy with all men and women of Goodwill who in one way or the other have contributed to the quick and safe release of our dear sisters,” the statement reads. 

The Sisters of Jesus the Saviour is a Nigerian order that cares for the poor, elderly, and sick. The order did not provide any details about who may have perpetrated the kidnapping. 

Kidnappings of Christians in Nigeria have multiplied in recent years, a situation that has prompted Church leaders to express serious concern about the security of their members and to call on the government to prioritize the security of its citizens. 

Priests, in particular, are often kidnapped and held for ransom. On July 11, the Nigerian Diocesan Catholic Priests Association issued a statement about the attacks, saying, “it is really sad that in the course of their normal pastoral activities, priests have become an endangered species.”

Most recently, in July, Father John Mark Cheitnum and Father Denatus Cleopas were abducted at the rectory of Christ the King Catholic Church in the town of Lere in Nigeria’s northern Kaduna State. Cleopas was released, but Cheitnum was killed in brutal fashion.  |

Security expert David Otto, director of the Geneva Centre for Africa Security and Strategic Studies, based in Geneva, Switzerland, told CNA in July that the consensus of security experts in his group is that the Catholic Church is being targeted because it has been paying the steep ransoms the terrorists have demanded, which can be as high as $200,000, or more.

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Archbishop Hebda: Immigration policy should include mercy

Standing alongside a banner reading “Dignity Not Detention” Aug. 9, Archbishop Bernard Hebda said that despite the world’s moral complexities, “any time that there is a policy or law that has such a detrimental effect upon families, that it’s wrong.”

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