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Month: August 2022

#10775 Open Forum for Non-Catholics – Steve Ray

Questions Covered:

14:56 – How does religious freedom account for the freedom of people that aren’t Catholic?
22:43 – I’m Catholic but my Protestant friend has a question. He doesn’t like the fact that there’s non parallelism in the Jewish…

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Vatican Observatory to reopen summer school for aspiring astronomers

Students from the Vatican Observatory’s summer school at an audience with Pope Francis / EWTN News Nightly segment

Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Aug 24, 2022 / 16:15 pm (CNA).

The Vatican Observatory will resume its four-week summer school next June following a pause in operations due to the global pandemic— allowing aspiring astronomers and astrophysicists to get firsthand experience within the field of astronomy.

EWTN News Nightly recently spoke with Chris Graney, astronomer and science historian with the Vatican Observatory, about the origins of the summer school, the kinds of experiences that are offered in the program, and the diverse makeup of the student body. Located in Castel Gandolfo, near Rome, the program has historically given students the opportunity deep dive into astronomy while also experiencing Italian culture in the process.

“The Vatican Observatory summer school was started back in 1986 under the then-director Father George Coyne, who was director from most of the time during the papacy of Pope John Paul II,” Graney explained.  

Coyne, along with astronomer Father Martin McCarthy, conceived of the idea of a summer school for higher education students considering careers in either astronomy or astrophysics.

Graney explained that the topics covered in the summer school change from year to year.

“For example, different topics have been galaxies or star clusters, water in the solar system,” Graney said. “This summer school is big on learning [about] the universe through Big Data, so that’s the focus this year.” 

Graney also spoke about some of the program’s highlights in past years, including trips to Rome’s historical sites, and the chance to observe astronomical phenomena. One particularly memorable year, students happened to be session during the transit of Venus across the sun. The school offers a mix of lecture-based and interaction-based learning, Graney explained.

Students at the Vatican Observatory's summer school. EWTN News Nightly Segment
Students at the Vatican Observatory’s summer school. EWTN News Nightly Segment

During the interview, Graney discussed recent images released from the James Webb telescope and talked about the interesting connection that the telescope has with the Vatican Observatory summer school.

“A couple of the scientists who are involved in making those infrared cameras that are on that telescope — George and Marcia Reiki — were formerly instructors at … the Vatican Observatory summer school,” Graney explained. “This telescope is going to let us see all kinds of things we have not yet learned, especially insofar as looking back to the very early Universe.”

Watch the full interview below: 

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Aiming for Heaven to Win the Culture War, and On the Way, Answer What a Woman Is

Should Catholics focus on winning political battles as the primary means of reclaiming the culture? Should we put our Faith on the back burner so as not to alienate non-Christians? In a recent article, Michael Warren Davis argues no, we should not. He says the culture war is a myth, that political victories don’t bring[…]

The post Aiming for Heaven to Win the Culture War, and On the Way, Answer What a Woman Is appeared first on Catholic Insight.

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A Catholic Man 24/7, Beyond Sunday

Today John and Sam are joined by his Excellency, Bishop James Conley. Bishop Conley was an agonistic listening to the Grateful Dead and ultimately converted to Catholicism during his college years. We discuss the balance of the liturgy in his diocese that has the FSSP seminary (Latin Mass) as well as Novus Ordo Mass. He shares what it has been like to be a Bishop and how to regain authentic masculinity in the Church and society today.

The post A Catholic Man 24/7, Beyond Sunday appeared first on The Catholic Gentleman.

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