I’m not sure what to make of this. After we posted a video of the chant of the monks at the Carmelite monastery in Wyoming, a reader send along a link to a recent exposé by Church Militant. Now, I don’t really peruse CM’s output, but did watch this video/interview with a former novice, and am left perplexed. Is there another side to all of this? Could this possibly be hyperbolized, the case of a few not-so-good apples? I know one member of their monastery, a former student from a long time ago, who as far as I recall is a good apple. Was this just one young man’s bad experience?
And a final question: Is there anywhere, or anything, the devil cannot infiltrate?
Looking around at the current state of the Church – which, from the historical perspective, has always been in some way the ‘state of the Church’ – I think we know the answer to that question.
The post What’s Up with the Wyoming Monks? appeared first on Catholic Insight.
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