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Month: July 2022

Pope Announces that Two Women Will Assist Him in the Dicastery that Chooses the Bishops from Around the World

Thus the Holy Father seeks to bring to fulfilment the new Constitution for the Roman Curia, Constitution that came into force in June of 2022 and that not only sees the inclusion of women in the different Dicasteries, but of laymen in general. 

The post Pope Announces that Two Women Will Assist Him in the Dicastery that Chooses the Bishops from Around the World appeared first on ZENIT – English.

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Scandal and Speaker Pelosi’s Defiance

In reference to Nancy Pelosi receiving Communion in a Papal Mass – although not by the Pope – along with an all-smiles photo-op with the Holy Father, allow me simply to offer some thoughts that may help. Some have implied that Ms. Pelosi’s has been banned from Communion only ‘in her own diocese’ and ‘by[…]

The post Scandal and Speaker Pelosi’s Defiance appeared first on Catholic Insight.

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Four St. John’s churches sold in auction

The Catholic Church presence in St. John’s, Nfld., is set to shrink significantly come autumn after at least four parish communities had their churches sold from underneath them to compensate Mount Cashel abuse victims, with possibly more to close.

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True Freedom in these Difficult Times

Today Sam and John discuss how we can live well and thrive in these times. The temptation to complain and buckle under the pressures of job security, political issues, mounting inflation, as well as taking care of yourself and those closest to you. The Church in her wisdom has given us the roadmap that can be used by every man living today.

The post True Freedom in these Difficult Times appeared first on The Catholic Gentleman.

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