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Month: July 2022

#10708 Open Forum – Mark Brumley

Questions Covered:

10:39 – How do we reconcile Vatican 2 teaching on Muslims with the rest of the Church’s historical teaching?
18:00 – If God can’t go contrary to his nature and he is good then how can he do evil as said in Isaiah 4…

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#10707 Open Forum – Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

03:55 – Is there any reason we should think that Adam was given a rational soul at the moment of his conception?
10:28 – What would be the best way to respond to protestants when they try to claim that St. Augustine beli…

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Director of worship: Proclaiming the Word recounts God’s deeds

The Second Vatican Council’s document on liturgy says the Word needs to be proclaimed to celebrate the sacraments, said Father Tom Margevicius, director of worship for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. And retired Pope Benedict XVI wrote beautiful and profound meditations on the word of God, Father Margevicius said, including how it is needed in the life of the Church’s liturgy.  

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