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Month: July 2022

#10714 Open Forum – Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

05:08 – When we commit mortal sin, besides confession, what else can we do to avoid purgatory?
14:32 – Why be Catholic and not just a Protestant Christian?
20:16 – I’m in a conversation with a Baptist and they aske…

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#10713 Open Forum – Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

04:46 – Can you explain the Eucharist specifically in terms of a sacrifice?
18:20 – In the Old Testament did the Levitical priest have the power to forgive sins or did they merely pronounce God’s Forgiveness?
31:15 – Reg…

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The Vatican, Paris and Climate Follies

The Vatican has signed on to the problematical Paris Accord on Climate Change, apparently without reservations. Here are some thoughts. We’ve written before on the vague and uncertain nature of ‘climate change’, not least since the term itself is tautological, explaining everything, and, ergo, nothing. If someone could explain precisely what is meant by climate[…]

The post The Vatican, Paris and Climate Follies appeared first on Catholic Insight.

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SSND sister calls 25 years of religious life ‘so worth it’

Sister Jill Laszewski was clipping along in a successful telecommunications career in the early 1990s when a mission trip to Nicaragua caused a major redirect — toward a religious vocation with the School Sisters of Notre Dame. This year marks the 25th anniversary of her first profession of vows to the order.

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