Bishop Robert McManus of Worcester has issued a decree prohibiting a Jesuit-run school from identifying itself as Catholic.

Citing his authority to ensure the Catholic identity of Church-run schools—an authority recently confirmed by a new Vatican document—the bishop ruled that the Nativity School of Worcester “may no longer use the title ‘Catholic’ to describe itself.” Additionally, he said that the school will not be allowed to have Mass or other sacraments celebrated on campus, to conduct fundraising activities in the Worcester diocese, to advertise in the diocesan directory, or to retain former Bishop Daniel Reilly on its board.

Bishop McManus took action after the Nativity School ignored his directive to stop flying Gay Pride and Black Lives Matter banners. In April, noting that these banners supported causes that were at odds with Catholic moral principles, the bishop asked: “Is the school committing itself to ideologies which are contrary to Catholic teaching? If so, is it still a Catholic school?”