I just took a look at our fundraising results for last month’s campaign and realized that we’re only made it to halfway of our fundraising goal.

I understand that 2022 is a tough economic landscape. With inflation and gas prices sky high, I know that expenses are high and discretionary income less than what it was. I also know there are many good causes out there to support.

But I want to impress upon you how vital our platform is to addressing so many problems in our troubled world. Catholic Exchange is badly needed and we must hit this target to sustain our operations.

We’re currently at 50%. That means that we’re going into summer short of what we need.

I don’t want us to have to remain in perpetual fundraising mode. My hope is that we can limit this appeal to just twice per year so we can focus on the issues and on producing solid content for you day-in and day-out.

Will you please consider making a donation today through our online donation form here?

Or even better, becoming a monthly donor by clicking that option on the form?

I would be sincerely grateful for any amount you can give.

Please continue to pray for Catholic Exchange, just as you and all our benefactors are in our prayers.

May God bless you.