Why am I Catholic? If I had been asked that question 10 or 15 years ago, the answer simply would have been because that is how I was raised. The sacraments, Catholic education, Sunday Mass — it had all been a part of my upbringing. But as an adult, I was doing nothing to deepen my faith.
I liked being Catholic, I was raising my children Catholic, but I did not have a complete understanding of the beautiful gift I had been born into. I was neglecting parts of my Catholicism. It wasn’t until I met a convert to the faith that my eyes were opened to the marvelous treasures of the Catholic Church.
In the fall of 2012, I joined two different book clubs. Both were all women, but one focused on Christianity, meeting on Monday nights; the other focused on fiction and met on Thursday nights. I firmly believe that God speaks to us through others and through our daily activities. Well, I love to read, so not surprisingly, the Holy Spirit set my heart on fire for him through these two groups.
One night, a question bubbled up in the Monday group about “being saved.” I was the only Catholic in the group and could not confidently answer the question. Feeling inadequate and wanting to be able to explain the Catholic teaching, I brought the question to the Thursday night group, where there were many Catholics. One of the women was an adult convert to Catholicism. We had a wonderful discussion on whether or not we are “saved.” Then, she shared her faith story with me and proclaimed she was “in love” with the Catholic Church. That expression sounded very strange to me. But “seeing” Catholicism through her eyes was a thing of beauty. I felt sad and a bit embarrassed. She knew more about the Catholic Church than I did.
So, the next day began my journey of rediscovery. I had been Catholic, sure, but mostly in private, and mostly just on Sunday mornings. I could not confidently articulate what I believed or why. So, I read, watched and listened to all things Catholic to expand my knowledge. I took the initiative to ask questions, to listen to and follow the example of others who knew Jesus. I rediscovered the faith that had been so graciously passed on to me as a child. I realized which parts I had been neglecting, and I gave God my total “yes.” My life became so much better. I am now Catholic 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Every day, through prayer, I try to draw closer to God, his son Jesus and to Mary, our Blessed Mother. The Holy Spirit has increased my understanding of the Mass. I receive Jesus’ body into my body every week at holy Communion. I share with others how God works in my life.
I am “in love” with being Catholic! And that doesn’t sound strange to me at all.
Hill, 51, is a member with her husband of 27 years, Paul, of St. Mary of the Lake in White Bear Lake. They have three children ages 26, 21 and 16. Hill has run her own Christian child care business for 20 years. An extraordinary minister of holy Communion and member of the parish’s mission committee and leadership council, Hill also is in the first year of the Pillars Program through the Archbishop Flynn Catechetical Institute of The St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity in St. Paul.
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