Pro-life advocates can respond effectively when someone who is pro-choice presents arguments such as “my body, my choice,” said Emily Albrecht of the Equal Rights Institute.
If the person describes a woman’s body as “her sovereign zone,” with which she can do whatever she wants, Albrecht suggests asking a clarifying question, such as whether the woman believes abortion should be available all nine months or if there should be a cut-off date.

Emily Albrecht
“We know from studies that 75% of pro-choice people think there should be restrictions on abortion,” Albrecht said. If the woman says yes to a cut-off, Albrecht said, she points out in a relational way, “I’m a little confused … because it seems like you’re contradicting yourself.” Believing in a woman’s complete freedom with anything inside her body doesn’t jive with wanting restrictions on abortion, she said. “If ‘my body, my choice’ is true, then abortion has to be available for all nine months of pregnancy for any reason.”
As a speaker, writer and coach with the Equal Rights Institute, which is based in North Carolina, Albrecht said her organization helps people learn how to connect relationally with pro-choice advocates “so that when we make those arguments, we can get a pro-choice person’s walls down, so that anything we say actually has a chance of landing.”
Albrecht described her job as helping pro-life people think clearly, reason honestly and argue persuasively about abortion. “In other words, I help pro-life people make more good arguments and fewer bad ones,” she said.
When a pro-life advocate can have a dialogue, not a debate, with a pro-choice advocate, “we actually stand a chance at changing people’s minds because they feel really comfortable having that kind of a conversation with you,” Albrecht said.

Jason Adkins
Albrecht and Jason Adkins, executive director and general counsel at the Minnesota Catholic Conference, recently joined “Practicing Catholic” host Patrick Conley for an episode debuting at 9 p.m. Jan. 21 on Relevant Radio 1330 AM. The show also airs at 1 p.m. Jan. 22 and 2 p.m. Jan. 23.
While encouraging people who are pro-life to more effectively engage in conversation with pro-choice advocates about biology, difficult circumstances and “personhood,” Albrecht said the average pro-life person is going to become even more important because, if Roe v. Wade is overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in a pending decision as many court-watchers predict, “this is really the last anniversary we have of Roe.”
“That means each state is going to be having a very localized battle about what abortion rights and restrictions look like,” Albrecht said. “That means the average pro-life person needs to be better equipped to actually talk about this issue because they can affect change in their local community,” she said.
“But we also have to change hearts and minds, not just change laws,” Adkins said. “And in fact, changing hearts and minds is the precursor to changing laws.”
Preparation prevents poor performance in abortion debates, Adkins said. “Working with Emily and the Equal Rights Institute is a great way to equip yourself to be a part of that important conversation. And we all need to play a part. We can’t sit on the sidelines right now.”
To learn more about the Equal Rights Institute, with links to its blog, podcasts, a YouTube channel and information on courses offered, visit
The Minnesota Catholic Conference postponed its Feb. 5 “Equipped for Life Training” event with Albrecht at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul due to COVID-related concerns and restrictions. To be notified of the rescheduled date, and to view other resources, visit
“Watch for that program again in the future,” Adkins said. “It’s really important that we equip ourselves to be able to have these conversations with our friends and neighbors.”
The Minnesota Catholic Conference is planning a webinar with Albrecht March 10. People can visit the MCC website for updates on that event and to sign up for the Catholic Advocacy Network, which sends email and text alerts on public policy news and action items.
Listen to all of the interviews after they have aired at
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