On January 12, the Vatican Covid-19 Commission held a private virtual event, “Preparing the future, building a sustainable, inclusive, regenerative economy.” A senior researcher at a Beijing think tank, the director of the London School of Economics, and the CEO of Deloitte North-South Europe were among the speakers.
“Unfortunately, two years now from the start of the pandemic, we must admit that we have missed many opportunities to change our approach,” Pope Francis said in his message to the conference. “We are perpetrating new injustices and inequalities.”
“I urge you to make concrete commitments, to do your part so that the economy and finance are at the service of people and our Mother Earth,” the Pope continued. “May your measures of success not be profits, expansion, and short-term and shortest-term returns. Instead, may the measure be the number of people who move out of extreme poverty, who can work decently.”
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