I know this is last minute, but Bill C-4 may be voted on by the Senate as early as tomorrow. This proposed legislation – if it may even be called such – would make illegal any attempt to ‘convert’ anyone, or even provide any therapy in any way construed to do so, based on sexual orientation or sexual dysphoria, even if they request such, adult or child. Parents could face jail time for the ‘crime’ of having a talk with their son or daughter, struggling with sexual issues (and which do not?).
This is a violation of the very sanctuary of the family, of private associations, of the Church in particular. I would not hesitate to call it evil. There are ways of protecting the rights of such people, adults or children, without destroying the rights of the family. It needs to be sent back to Parliament for sober reconsideration, and hopefully scrapped altogether.
The Bill was rushed through Parliament with no second or third reading, no debate, no discussion, and not one ‘Conservative’ MP raising anything in the way of opposition, at the request of Erin O’Toole. What sort of judgement do these people expect?
Inured as I am by now to Conservative complaisance in this land, even I am benumbed. Canada will likely deserve whatever it gets. Right of the eve of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, and the close of the Year of Saint Joseph, our national patron. We may hope and pray they and the heavenly host protect us.
Meanwhile, we must do what we can, so please do write to the Senators, expressing your opposition. It may be a token, but it is something to man the ramparts, before they collapse.
Here is a PDF with the emails of all the Senators, that you may copy and paste: (simply remove the province names once they’re in your email):
And here is PDF of a sample letter that I composed. Feel free to use, and modify as you will:
Gratias, ad omnes!
Ad veritatem, in caritate!
Virgo Maria et Sancte Joseph, orate pro nobis!
The post Contact the Senators to Send Bill C-4 Back! appeared first on Catholic Insight.
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