As one retired California nurse asked of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, “Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected in the first place?” (Source)

Published by Freedom First Network: “How do we know mainstream media will cancel all mentions of the nation of Gibraltar for the foreseeable future? Because their extreme Covid vaccination protocols have utterly failed to prevent a massive spike in cases and hospitalizations. This betrays the narrative they’ve been ordered to propagate, so Gibraltar is officially a taboo topic for the press.

“The nation averages 2.79 doses of Covid-19 jabs administered per person.


“Despite everything we’ve been told by government, media, Big Tech, academia, the healthcare industry, and all the other pawns of Big Pharma, Gibraltar has not defeated or even slowed Covid-19 from spreading. In fact, they may be a shining example demonstrating the theory that the so-called “vaccines” actually aid in the spread of the disease. Now, they’re officially recommending against celebrating Christmas with friends and family….”

Read more HERE.

Read also how Sweden, who took a whole different approach to covid, lockdowns and the vaccine is faring much better than other countries HERE

The post Most VAXXED Nation on Earth Just Canceled Christmas Over ‘Exponential Rise’ in Covid Cases appeared first on Defenders of the Catholic Faith.