Racial injustice
Mike Ebnet quotes Father Griffith (Letter to the Editor, Oct. 14 edition) “our brothers and sisters of color experience harm in our society” (responding to “New restorative justice initiative explores racial injustice,” Sept. 30 edition). Then Mr. Ebnet states, “That harm was done in Somalia and Central America, not in Minnesota.” Coming from Edina, perhaps Mr. Ebnet is not on the front lines serving these communities here. To assume that now that they are here they don’t experience harm is either naive, uninformed or completely out of touch with the racism felt by immigrants, refugees and migrants escaping violence. To get a more informed, feet-on-the-ground story, I encourage everyone to listen to NPR’s podcast of Angela Davis interviewing Father Jim Callahan of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Worthington, which originally aired 9-10 a.m. Oct. 26. His is the last 15 minutes or so. What a visceral experience he gives of these populations. What a blessing to have Father Jim and his important mission in our state!
Elizabeth Rosenwinkel
St. Albert the Great, Minneapolis
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