The cover of “Exorcisms and Related Supplications” is the first official English translation of the rite of exorcism and is available only to bishops and others designated by them. CNS
Q) What is exorcism? Does it still happen?
A) One of the initial ministries of Jesus was the casting out of demons. This wasn’t a peripheral activity for the Messiah. It is listed in the Gospels right next to healings and the preaching of the Kingdom of God when the Lord’s earthly ministry is described. And because the Church is the continuation of Christ’s presence on earth, it only makes sense that the Church would continue this central act of Jesus. We call this casting out an “exorcism,” though it needs to be stated clearly at the outset that the most common forms of exorcisms, and indeed the most powerful, are the sacraments of the Church themselves, especially the sacraments of baptism and reconciliation. Blessings, too, are powerful exorcism prayers, when celebrated and received with faith and reverence. But in some very particular cases, almighty God allows the devil and his legion to root in the life of someone in dramatic and sinister ways. I say God allows it, but this terrible situation is ultimately caused most often by someone freely choosing to invite the Enemy into his or her life in some deliberate way, especially through habitual, unrepented mortal sin. In these cases, the Church has in fact prescribed prayers and rituals that directly confront the occupying demonic forces and commands them to leave. Because of the gravity of this situation, and the danger of sensationalism, the Church mandates that the priest responsible for these exorcisms be specially delegated by his bishop, and should be a man known for his personal holiness, pastoral prudence and the capacity to distinguish mental illness from true demonic possession.
Because of movies and TV shows, exorcisms are sometimes understood to be a kind of battle between a priest and a satanic force. True enough. But we must also always remember that in the fight between Jesus and Satan, Jesus ALWAYS wins. Provided there is a desire to be freed of the Enemy’s clutches, there is always hope and assurance of the power of God to save even the most hardened of sinners. Like everything of the Church, exorcisms are profound experiences and yes, celebrations of God’s mercy and love. Make sure Linda Blair knows that. And let her know I know a good chiropractor.
Father Erickson is pastor of Transfiguration in Oakdale. Send your questions to [email protected] with “Why Do Catholics Do That?” in the subject line.
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