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Month: September 2021

#383 St. Peter’s Vs. Modernism – Duncan Stroik

Being entirely objective, the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome is the best building in the world! We ask Duncan Stroik, the founder of the Sacred Architecture Journal, to explain why this is, and why churches, and other buildings today, don’t match it.


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Hierarchy as Middle Management

USCCBIn the 1970s, during the heyday of the chaos that followed Vatican II, a French bishop, when asked why he did not more firmly address the crisis, replied, “What can I say? I wasn’t chosen because they thought they might find a prophet in me, but just an administrator.” The Church has always struggled to […]

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Filipinos mark 500 years of Christian faith that connects them globally

Filipino Catholics in the Washington area made a pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception to celebrate a 500-year journey of faith that continues.

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There is no better model of priesthood than Father Kapaun, bishop says

God put the desire to be a priest in Father Emil J. Kapaun’s heart at an early age, Bishop Carl A. Kemme of Wichita, Kansas, said during a homily Sept. 26 in Pilsen, the hometown of the war-hero priest and sainthood candidate.

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