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Month: September 2021

Opposing Abortion in Literature

American poets, short story writers, and novelists over the years have enjoyed a certain freedom of expression that has allowed them to call a spade a spade. In general, they provide more reliable moral insights than what we can expect these days from politicians and media celebrities, who are restricted by political correctness. T. S. […]

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Who is Like God?

Michael Pakaluk on St. Michael: Four important marks define devotion to the Archangel: antiquity, exogeneity, catholicity, and urgency.

The post Who is Like God? appeared first on The Catholic Thing.

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The Holy Archangels and Spiritual Warfare

A blessed feast of the Archangels to all our readers. Father Scott’s article on the Saint Michael prayer points out that this used to be the feast only of the great defender of heaven, he ‘who is like God’, hence, its traditional title of Michaelmas. The other two angels were added in the revisions after[…]

The post The Holy Archangels and Spiritual Warfare appeared first on Catholic Insight.

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Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

The archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are honored on September 29; October 2 is the Feast of the Guardian Angels. Michael has been widely venerated by Jews and Christians alike, and because of a passage from the Book of Revelation describing him as leading the angels in the war against Satan and his followers (12:7-9), […]

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#10299 Open Forum – Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

02:25 – What would you say to someone that is interested in joining the church but the idea of having to go to a class to join the church is off-putting to them? 
11:05 – I heard a point made from a person that the crumb…

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#10298 Open Forum – Fr. Hugh Barbour, O. Praem.

Questions Covered:

19:50 – Based on the Catholic teachings, is it wrong to celebrate the feast days commanded in Lev 23? 
23:08 – How could God condemn Adam of Eve of sinning because of eating from the tree of good and evil? They didn&#821…

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