The light, in today’s gospel, is likened to Christ who came to earth to lead the way, to show the path. When Jesus was to talking to his disciples, he was talking about himself and he was saying that soon this prophecy of the Messiah would be realized and the truth will be out. Those who listened and followed will learn to understand yet those who thought they knew what they knew will soon realize the fallacy of what they believed in. Thus, they will be stripped of their spiritual authority and those who followed Christ will be given more responsibilities in spreading the Word.
In our current situation, where the birth, the death and the resurrection is part of our spiritual history, as Christians we are the light that Christ mentioned in Luke 8:16. As we walk in faith, it is but inevitable that people will notice us especially when we do what is opposite of the norm. As followers of Christ, it is in our nature to act responsibly in any situation. This we do not do boastfully or with pride but with humility and faith that in all of this there is God whom we are serving faithfully. In turn, it is reminding us to pay heed and not act as if we are better than other people in our community lest we gull ourselves into believing that we are infallible. Instead, Jesus instructs us to listen and to act. Mere listening is a superficial act. When one does what one is told, people will see the depth of our faith. As Christians it is very easy to fall into complacency, where we think the mere routine of going to church, listening to homilies, getting involved in parish socials is enough. The act of true faith is manifested in how one openly shares with his brethren. In the Last Supper, Jesus enjoins us to do what he does. As Jesus willingly and gratefully served others, so must we be to our fellowmen.
Have you prayed for the grace of true service lately? It is costly, but then again Jesus did this to show us.
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