Questions Covered:
02:55 – Is the story about Ananias and Sapphira and their terrible end literally historical? Was it not a bit too harsh?
06:43 – Is it right for a priest to own personal properties, like houses or investments?
17:24 – What are the best sources to learn correct biblical interpretation (by the magisterium) of the sacred scripture?
19:42 – What can I do when I see a kind of new “schism” in our beloved Mystical Body of Christ?
23:54 – Why is it that the Catholic Our Father ends with “deliver us from evil,” and not “for yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever”?
28:59 – I’m struggling with sin constantly even though I pray the Rosary every day, and morning and night prayers, and watch the daily online Mass. How can we be like the Apostles when they had the privilege of Jesus’ company and received the Holy Spirit in a very active way compared to now?
33:12 – The second half of Acts and onwards of the New Testament has Paul written all over it. Protestants and Orthodox have used that to prove that Paul is the leader and not Peter. Even some Church Fathers didn’t behave as if there was a single authority. What is the best way to refute that?
36:40 – What is the Catholic view on the relationship between doctrine and history? Particularly, what does the Catholic Church have to say regarding Historical Jesus studies? The field of Historical Jesus studies is dominated by Protestant/Non-Catholic thinkers, so I’m wondering if Catholic teaching has something to uniquely contribute to it that is often forgotten or neglected by scholars outside the Church
43:12 – Is the Church truly given authority by Jesus to remit punishment from sins after death? I thought God alone determines punishment. What are the bases for indulgences in scripture and tradition?
49:12 – Would it be possible to overcome the schism from 1054?
52:03 – How about the coin in the fish’s mouth miracle of Jesus — is it historical or a kind of parable?
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