The month of July is dedicated to The Precious Blood of Jesus.
July16 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel The Blessed Virgin appeared to St. Simon Stock, holding in her hand a scapular, and directed him to found a Confraternity whose members should wear this scapular and consecrate themselves to her service. The Sabbatine privilege will then insure their early release from Purgatory on the Saturday after their death.
Recipe of the Month
Summer Apple Cake
The food associated with St. Swithin in legend and poetry is the apple, and his blessing is asked each year by the apple growers.
Activity of the MonthFamily and Friends of Jesus Scrapbook Album
Recording the "memories" of Jesus' life with His friends and family is a wonderful way to gain more knowledge of Christ and enter more closely into the Paschal Mystery. Summer is a good time to start this project with your family.
St. Anne
The mother of Our Lady, whose loving care of her daughter is shown by the silver border with black masonry. The lily refers to the girlhood of the Virgin.
St. IgnatiusThe Founder of the Society of Jesus, and writer of the "Spiritual Exercises." "IHS" and rays, with the letters "AMDG" meaning "To the greater glory of God".
St. Thomas
The patron of builders. He is said to have built a Church with his own hands in East India. The spear refers to the instrument of his martyrdom.
>St. Martha
St. Martha is mentioned as serving Christ with refreshment. A covered table with cloth, cups, pitcher and bowl containing fruit — all symbols of St. Martha's service.
Blood of Christ, Eucharistic drink and refreshment of souls, save us.