Baptismal fonts and holy water stoups in Catholic churches can be filled again in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, and as COVID-19 vaccinations continue to take hold, distribution of Communion from a common chalice can resume.
These recommendations and more are outlined in a July 28 memo to parishes and institutions in the archdiocese written by Father Tom Margevicius, director of the Office of Worship. Father Margevicius also notes in the memo that the Delta variant of the coronavirus remains a threat, and because each parish has unique demographics, pastors can determine their own best practices for minimizing the virus’ spread. One parish’s response might look different than another’s.
As always, if people are sick, they are encouraged to stay home, the memo notes. Vaccines are encouraged by health officials and the Catholic Medical Association because they have been proven to be effective, and face masks are encouraged for those who are not vaccinated, the memo states.
The Office of Worship oversees only liturgical matters. Pandemic accommodations that might be necessary in Catholic schools, religious education, parish festivals and other areas of parish and ministry life are not covered in the memo.
The liturgical changes follow a July 1 return to the obligation to attend Sunday Mass, which had been suspended for 16 months because of the pandemic. Also resuming: archdiocesan confirmation liturgies, and effective Sept. 6, the expectation that weddings will be celebrated inside a church or other approved indoor space.
In a letter to priests with the memo attached, Archbishop Bernard Hebda said pastors in April 2020 were temporarily allowed to administer confirmation to Catholic youth from their parish. Now, the archbishop said, pastors once again must write to him requesting the faculty to confirm individuals when an individual parish celebration appears to be necessary or more appropriate.
Likewise, in May 2020, the archbishop said, he extended permission for weddings to be celebrated outside. “Given that the need to limit indoor gatherings (which precipitated the granting of this permission) seems to have ended, I am rescinding, effective September 6, 2021, the general approval for the celebration of weddings outside of what is already allowed for by Archdiocesan policy,” the archbishop said. “Weddings that have already been scheduled to take place outdoors may continue, but I ask that you no longer schedule these without specific permission from the Archdiocese.”
Other changes outlined in the memo include:
- No restrictions on singing; although the memo notes that the Minnesota Department of Health has a number of safety recommendations for singing and the environment in which it is done, such as urging people who are not vaccinated to wear a mask.
- Physical distancing is no longer required. But some people might feel safer in a section of the church that retains seating six feet apart and/or requires masks.
- There are no restrictions on how many deacons, servers, lectors, cantors, ushers or Communion distributors might serve in the liturgy. Those who are not vaccinated are urged to wear masks when they are not leading the singing or proclaiming Scriptures.
- Hymnals and other liturgical aids can be placed in the pews again for common usage.
- Collection and distribution of gifts can return to pre-pandemic practices.
- There are no restrictions to the sign of peace. But some in the congregation might prefer to smile or wave without physical contact.
- Distributing the Body of Christ can be done as it was pre-pandemic. Vaccinated distributors and recipients are not required to wear masks.
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