Questions Covered:

02:05 – Suppose there is a person that, while they are asleep and dreaming, has the capacity to recognize that they are having a dream and to guide their actions within the dream. How would sinful actions in their dreams affect their regular life? For example, if this person is married and one night has a dream with a celebrity in it that they find attractive, would it be sinful to act on their feelings within the dream? If it’s not inherently sinful, would it maybe just be a bad idea because it might open the door to similar behaviors in their regular life?  
06:27 – I saw this morning in a discussion with Father Mark Goring about aliens. My question is this: If there are aliens out there, and they’re just God’s creatures like us and the angels, as Jimmy Akin said, they’d also worship the one true God, the Trinity, just as we do, right? But the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity would have what for them would be an alien body, the God-man, Jesus Christ. I mean, how would they deal with a God who looked like us, and not like them. Wouldn’t that be kind of weird for them? 
11:54 – If all matter were smaller and hotter prior to the Big Bang, then could it have contained life forms at those temperatures, or was life introduced after matter cooled enough to support life as we know it?
14:59 – If all matter comes from the Big Bang, I assume that matter was sent in all directions. So, are stars and matter that exploded towards the opposite direction from us visible to us, and appearing as moving away from us faster than matter moving in the same direction as we are?
17:55 – If Jesus sits at the right hand of God, who sits on the left? 
19:30 – I was wondering if it would be the sin of presumption to attempt to travel into the future, since we don’t know when Christ is returning and can’t no that a particular future time will exist? 
23:05 – Given that Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, would God have placed a punishment upon touching her as his did with the Ark of the Old Covenant, a la Uzzah? 
28:25 – My girls have a question for Jimmy. They want to know if Bucky Barnes, from Marvel, would be morally responsible for the violence and mayhem he caused while under a trance. Specifically, would he need to go to confession? Would he go to hell for the crimes he committed while under a trance.  
31:55 – After my 6-year-old was born with Down Syndrome, I wondered if he would have Down Syndrome in Heaven or in his resurrected body. At first, I thought not since it’s caused by an extra chromosome in the body, which is not part of the soul, but I’ve recently come to understand that the church says, our bodies are a fundamental part of our eternal existence. And certainly, our intellectual capability affects our desire and ability to seek God. Will people with intellectual or physical disabilities have the same or similar disabilities in Heaven or after the resurrection of the dead? And would his intellectual disability necessarily get him a get out of hell free card? 
41:30 – If I happened to have a time machine and went back to the sixteenth century, would I be morally justified in kidnapping Martin Luther and bringing him back to my own time in order to stop the Reformation? 
46:50 – Could the St. Gertrude Purgatory prayer be proof of intelligent life elsewhere? Follow my logic. The prayer is traditionally said to release 1000 souls from purgatory. There are around 1.2 billion Catholics on Earth. Let’s say 50% practice. That’s 600 million. Of those, let’s say 10% know about this prayer. That’s 60 million. Let’s say 10% of those actually say it on a regular basis. That’s 6 million. Well, 6,000,000 x 1,000 souls is 6 billion souls. It’s estimated that around 108 billion people have ever lived on Earth. So today’s 6 million people regularly saying this …