Deacons James Bernard and Michael Reinhardt joined “Practicing Catholic” host Patrick Conley for an episode airing May 21 about their ordination to the priesthood May 29. Conley asked the deacons a variety of questions to help listeners get to know them.
Conley first asked them to name someone in their lives who has had a significant impact on their vocations. Deacon Bernard said a lot of people have walked with him at different points in his journey, but he recalled a moment in childhood when his father, who often helped at Mass, including as lector, approached him and asked if he would like to be an altar boy.

Deacon James Bernard
“And I said ‘yes,’” Deacon Bernard said. “And so, we went up to Father after Mass and so that was kind of the beginning for me. Also, I have several aunts and uncles who have been praying for me throughout my journey.”
Deacon Reinhardt said he is a convert and a relatively late comer to the faith. “Sometimes I say I’m the second-youngest Catholic at the seminary, even though I’m 43,” he said. “So, this wasn’t on the radar as a kid.”
After he became Catholic in 2013, Deacon Reinhardt said, he continued to help with the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults program and sponsored a couple of men. “Just that act of giving in ministry, I think strengthened the call, the ability to hear the call.”
He added that he believes the Catholic faith comes alive when it is shared with others, and that’s been the case with his experience of the RCIA program. “So, I would say Paula, who led that, was an influence for me in hearing this vocation now.”
Conley asked both men what they enjoy doing in their spare time, and if they fear they won’t be able to have the time to do it anymore.
Deacon Bernard said he enjoys brewing beer and traveling. He said he’s learned not to fear that he won’t be able to enjoy those things anymore “because the one thing I found from my seminary formation is that I really thought that I was setting something down in my life in order to pick up something new. But I’ve really seen how the Lord uses our experiences, uses our interests and hobbies to further his kingdom.”

Deacon James Reinhardt
Deacon Reinhardt said he enjoys the outdoors — includng trips to the Boundary Waters. “But just getting out where the seminary is located right here on the Mississippi, and I love walking up and down the river, just enjoying the nature right here. And I see that opportunities for that will continue.”
He said he also enjoys having good conversations over dinner with friends, and enjoys cooking, and he believes he can do some of that as well. “I’m looking forward to seeing how that can be integrated into life as a priest, but I’m not worried that it won’t be”
During the interview, Conley asked both ordinands several other questions, including the person, living or passed away, who would be most surprised to learn they are about to be ordained a priest. To learn how they answered that question and others, listen to this episode of the “Practicing Catholic” radio show. It airs at 9 p.m. May 21, 1 p.m. May 22 and 2 p.m. May 23 on Relevant Radio 1330 AM.
Produced by Relevant Radio and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, the latest show also includes interviews with Father Joseph Taphorn, rector and vice president of the St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, who gives insight into priestly formation, and two other ordinands, Deacons William Duffert and Josh Salonek, who also answer get-to-know-you questions from Conley.
Listen to all of the interviews after they have aired at:
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