Questions Covered:
02:53 – If a person entered an invalid marriage (e.g. felt forced), can they subsequently make that marriage valid (e.g., by willingly staying, praying for grace, offering the situation to God, etc.) without doing something like renewing their vows? I assume they cannot just walk up the aisle like newbies anymore.
06:33 – Besides the battle from the Book of Revelation, where do we get the notion of Satan saying that he will not serve and that he is like God?
15:00 – Since the Catholic Church accepts Trinitarian baptism, regardless of denomination, does that mean that there are baptized Protestants who are really Catholic? If so, why don’t we refer to those baptized Protestants as Catholics?
28:45 – How is Ur called Ur of the Chaldeans in Genesis when that culture didn’t appear until centuries later?
31:30 – Why are angels illustrated using human image with wings where the bible paints these angels having very weird features?
42:57 – If Jesus ascended with a glorified body, does this mean that God, the second person of the Trinity, is both material and immaterial permanently?
47:52 – If you need to be in the state of grace to receive Communion, but assuming you’re in the state of grace is a mortal sin, how can we receive?
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