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In your Feb. 25 issue, Minnesota Catholic Conference Director Jason Adkins says that the root cause of the problem of working with pro-choice Catholic politicians is the prevalence of heterodox clergy and religious sisters who give aid and comfort to these politicians. Mr. Adkins continues: “Given President Biden’s policies, most notably his determination to engage in aggressive ideological colonization at home and abroad through abortion and LGBT ideology, one wonders what he has been hearing or not hearing from the Jesuits and religious sisters with whom he surrounds himself on a regular basis. Until the root cause of the problem is dealt with effectively, President Biden can effectively ignore the bishops and still feel like he is a Catholic in good standing.” It seems to me that the bishops need to step in and exercise their authority and sacred power over the heterodox clergy and religious sisters in their dioceses, as Article 894 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church advises.

Roland J. Mayer
Epiphany, Coon Rapids

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