Questions Covered:

06:29 – How do you respond to a Protestant who believes in soul sleep? When I present the story of Lazarus and the rich man, they say it’s purely symbolic. 
16:50 – My uncle is divorced and remarried. Could this be valid? How should I behave toward his family? 
22:40 – In what order did the Annunciation, Visitation, and Joseph’s dream happen? Did Joseph accompany Mary to Elizabeth’s home? 
28:36 – How can we best understand the mark of the beast? 
33:18 – Can a baby be baptized still in the womb in an emergency? 
36:15 – I have heard people mention a break in the Trinity. What is that? It is evidenced by Jesus saying God has abandoned him on the cross. 
43:45 – If Mary did not know that she was immaculately conceived, then what did she mean by calling God her savior in Luke 1:47? 
50:22 – I am a new convert and I don’t understand what a plenary indulgence is. Can you explain it to me? 

Resources Mentioned:

Ep. 138 – JAMW
A Primer on Indulgences by Jimmy Akin
Myths on Indulgences by Jimmy Akin
Pope Paul 6th Indulgentiarum Doctrina
The Drama of Salvation