The most phenomenal detail in today’s Gospel is that Jesus is actually
seen by his disciples walking on water in the middle of the night.
What do you think this meant to the disciples? What does it mean to
you now, some 2,000 years later? What does this fact say to you about
Off hand, it is quite easy to say that he is God and nothing is
impossible with God. So, walking on water was no mean feat. But was
this how his disciples knew him? As far as everyone in his time was
concerned, he was a prophet, and a very charismatic one at that. He
performed many miracles, but he also prayed every occasion he could.
In fact, the reading today mentions that he had gone up the hills to
spend some time in prayer soon after he dismissed the people who had
come to see him.
As he prayed, what do you suppose he prayed about? What did he talk to
his Father about? If we are to genuinely follow him and emulate his
ways as Christians, we may need to ask God for His grace to teach us
how Jesus prayed and communed with his father.
Let that be our prayer today.
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