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Month: December 2020

After Abortion is legalized in Argentina, Catholic Bishops decry chasm between politicians and the people  

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dec 30, 2020 / 09:38 am (CNA).- After the Senate in Argentina legalized abortion in the early hours of Wednesday, December 30, the Argentinean Bishops Conference released a statement accusing the country’s political leadership of being far away from the sentiment of the people and vowed to continue working “with firmness and passion in the care and service of life”.

The long-debated bill to legalize abortion presented by President Alberto Fernandez to fulfill a campaign promise was finally approved in the Senate with 38 votes in favor, 29 against, 1 abstention, and 4 absences after 12 hours of debate. The bill was previously cleared by the House.

According to a November 2020 survey carried by independent pollster Giacobbe & Asociados, 60% of Argentinians opposed the law, while only 26.7% were in favor. But the law, one of the most permissive in the world and with no parallel in the region, was strongly supported by the media, TV personalities, and influencers.

“This law that has been voted will further deepen the divisions in our country”, said the Bishops’ statement. “We deeply regret the remoteness of the leadership from the people’s feelings, which has been expressed in various ways in favor of life throughout our country.” Argentina saw indeed the largest pro-life peaceful marches in its history, but were mostly ignored by the local press.

“We are certain that our people will always continue to choose all life and all lives. And together with our people we will continue working for the authentic priorities that require urgent attention in our country.”  

The Bishops also said that while focusing on legalizing abortion, the government has failed “the boys and girls living in poverty in an increasingly alarming number, the many school dropouts, the pressing pandemic of hunger and unemployment that affects many families, as well as the dramatic situation of those retired, which in these hours see their rights violated once again.”

Finally, the statement expressed gratitude to “all the citizens and legislators who defended the care for all life.”

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Rome churches beckon with art and no ‘hordes’

Like elsewhere in Europe, museums and art galleries closed in Italy in the spring and again in the fall to contain the spread of COVID-19, leaving virtual tours as the best option for art lovers who wanted to see the treasures held by institutions such as the Uffizi Galleries in Florence and the Vatican Museums in Rome.

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2021 EWTN lineup will see new arrivals, some departures

Birmingham, Ala., Dec 30, 2020 / 08:25 am (CNA).- EWTN Global Catholic Network announced a new lineup of shows aimed at growing its programming and expand its reach on television, radio, and through its digital and news platforms.

Among the new television projects is EWTN News In-Depth which will begin production in January. This new weekly, one-hour news discussion program will offer the Catholic perspective and analysis on the top stories of the week and will be hosted by Montserrat “Montse” Alvarado, a Hispanic Catholic who also serves as Vice President and Executive Director of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. The program will welcome newsmakers, experts, and correspondents from EWTN’s global news bureaus in a discussion of current events in the Church, politics, and culture from the lens of the Catholic faith.

EWTN Radio will expand to two hours the daily broadcast of The Son Rise Morning Show beginning in January. Produced by Sacred Heart Catholic Radio Network, The Son Rise Morning Show is hosted by Anna Mitchell, and covers current affairs, inspirational interviews, and prayer. This expanded version of The Son Rise Morning Show will replace Morning Glory in the radio lineup.

EWTN Radio also recently added a new weekly program Beloved and Blessed with Kimberly Hahn. The show speaks to the desires and strengths of women in all walks of life. Beloved and Blessed replaces Church Alive.

EWTN Radio is also announcing Father Brian Mullady, O.P. and Father John Trigilio as additional hosts of the popular daily program Open Line.

The Network’s 2021 plans include further strategic investment in its news gathering operations in the U.S., and around the globe so that EWTN news outlets can cover even more topics of interest and concern to Catholics throughout the world. Developments include continued expansion of the ACI Africa news services launched in 2019 from Nairobi, Kenya as well as additional projects in the Middle East and Europe.

The new year will also see the continued expansion and development of EWTN España, a new television service customized for viewers in Spain which launched in mid-December.

For more information on EWTN programming and content, please go to

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