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Month: December 2020

After abortion is legalized in Argentina, Catholic bishops decry chasm between politicians and the people

The long-debated bill to legalize abortion presented by President Alberto Fernandez to fulfill a campaign promise was finally approved in the senate with 38 votes in favor, 29 against, 1 abstention, and 4 absences.

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Paraguay’s Congress responds to legalization of abortion in Argentina with a minute of silence

In a statement and a video released by the Paraguayan Congress’ press office, the representatives observed the minute of silence upon the request of congressman Raúl Latorre.

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Southern California Catholics pray for kidnapped Nigerian Bishop with strong ties to the area

Then-Father Moses Chikwe studied at Loyola Marymount University and UCLA. He served six years as priest-in-residence at St. Joseph’s Cathedral and as chaplain to the La Jolla VA hospital, and frequently said Mass at St. Mark’s parish in San Marcos, CA.

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The Blessings of the Solemnity of Mary

The Blessings of the Solemnity of MaryWhat was it like for Mary to be the Mother of God?  Our Gospel reading gives some hints. Gospel (Read Lk 2:16-21) Included in the Octave of Christmas is tomorrow’s solemnity, which gives us an opportunity to think about Mary’s participation in the Incarnation.  We know, of course, that the description of Mary as “Mother […]

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Keeping the Memory of Christmas and Resisting the Siren Call of Our Culture

Joy to the world, the Lord is come!  Let earth receive her King!  Merry Christmas!  It is a wonderful time as we celebrate our Savior’s birth with friends and loved ones. It is also an appropriate time to focus on what is most important and reject the …

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Paraguay’s Congress responds to legalization of abortion in Argentina with a minute of silence

Asunción, Paraguay, Dec 30, 2020 / 08:47 pm (CNA).- The House of Representatives of Paraguay held one minute of silence for “the babies that will die” few hours after the Senate in neighboring Argentina legalized abortion.

Un minuto de silencio. La plenaria de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó el minuto de silencio por la aprobación de la ley del aborto por parte del Congreso de la Nación Argentina. @780AM

— Luis Acosta (@lacostasoy) December 30, 2020

In a statement and a video released by the Paraguayan Congress’ press office, the representatives observed the minute of silence upon the request of congressman Raúl Latorre.

“I ask for a minute of silence for the thousands of lives of Argentinian brothers and sisters who are going to be lost, even before they are born, based on the recent decision made by the Senate of the neighboring country”, Latorre said.

After the minute of silence Congressman Basilio Núñez, a physician, said that “what has happened in Argentina is a tragedy”, and reminded that Paraguay’s House of Representatives has declared itself as pro-life and pro-family. The minute of silence was supported also by the three leading women in Congress, Norma Camacho, Blanca Vargas, and Esmérita Sánchez.

The abortion law was approved by the Argentinian Senate on Wednesday, December 30. The new law, in practice, will allow abortions at any time until birth and has no provisions for protecting the baby if he or she survives a late-term abortion.

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Littlest Suffering Souls: Children Whose Short Lives Point Us to Christ

Austin Ruse, Littlest Suffering Souls: Children Whose Short Lives Point Us to Christ. Charlotte: TAN Books, 2017.       With  modern medical breakthroughs, treatments and  medicines, we have become sophisticated in  the avoidance of physical, mental, emotional pain – the avoidance of suffering. In a growing number of countries it is acceptable, even meritorious, to end[…]

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