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Month: December 2020

Saint Sylvester, and So Long, 2021

On this last day of the calendar year, we celebrate in muted tones the mysterious and shadowy Pope Saint Sylvester I, who reigned from 314, the year after Constantine made Christianity legal after his momentous victory at the Milvian Bridge, until his death on this day in 335. But he must have been a vigorous[…]

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Pope Francis – citing back pain – to skip Te Deum, Mass of New Year’s Day

Bruni’s statement explained that the Dean of the College of Cardinals, His Eminence Giovanni Battista Re, will preside at First Vespers and Te Deum, while the Cardinal Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, will say Mass of New Year’s Day, while Pope Francis still plans to lead the Jan 1 recitation of the Angelus from the Library of the Apostolic Palace.

The post Pope Francis – citing back pain – to skip Te Deum, Mass of New Year’s Day appeared first on Catholic Herald.

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20 missionaries killed worldwide in 2020 (Fides)

The missionaries include eight priests, one male religious, three women religious, two seminarians, and six lay people. “In the last 20 years, from 2000 to 2020, 535 pastoral workers have been killed in the world, including five bishops,” a…

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2020: Our Jekyll/Hyde Year

We’ve been hearing it for weeks now: 2020 was a terrible year and we all can’t wait to shake its dust from our feet and move on to a better, brighter 2021. Between tense racial eruptions, the Covid stranglehold of fear and “socialist” distancing, and the flagrant fraudulence of our election system, 2020 was a […]

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Make America Beautiful Again

Despite the persistent opposition and public protest of the architectural elites against a proposed executive order titled Making Federal Buildings Beautiful Again, first obtained and reported by the Architectural Record eleven months ago, President Trump, on December 21, signed the executive order titled Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture, which declares that “traditional and classical architecture” […]

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The Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas

Reading 1 1 JN 2:18-21

Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that the antichrist was coming,so now many antichrists have appeared. Thus we know this is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not really of …

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Nashville priest describes Christmas bomb blast

After midnight mass on Christmas morning Father Jayd Neely chose to sleep on his office couch at St. Mary of the Seven Sorrows in downtown Nashville. He lives at the rectory of a nearby church, but figured it would be easier with another mass later that day.

He restarted his day at 6 a.m. with morning prayer. Then, almost exactly a half an hour later, the church was rattled with the rest of the downtown by an explosion about three blocks away.

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An Unsung Prolife Hero

By Russell ShawThe prolife movement has lots of heroes and heroines, sung and unsung alike, but there’s always room for one more. As an addition to the roster of unsung heroes I therefore nominate Dick Delaney.

Never heard of him? That’s n…

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