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Month: December 2020

The Shape of Love

“You can’t judge a book by its cover” is a truism. Nonetheless, that does not lessen the value of a book’s title. Selecting the right title is important, like giving the right name to your child. I chose The Shape of Love to introduce my book about the importance of moral virtue, and its rootedness […]

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Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs

Reading 1 1 JN 1:5—2:2

This is the message that we have heard from Jesus Christ
and proclaim to you:
God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all.
If we say, “We have fellowship with him,” 
while we continue to walk …

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The Reformation and the Deformation of Orthodoxy

The Reformation and the Deformation of OrthodoxyThe Facts of Life Series: The Reformation The Reformation is one of history’s great misnomers.  For it reformed almost nothing then and now.  A more apt name for that era would be the Deformation, though that name is probably too benign, given the devastating effects of this movement and its many derivations that have so infected […]

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Remembering the Holy Innocents

On the fourth day of our Christmas celebration, the Church reminds us that not everyone is joyful; that there exist those who are not of goodwill who do not wish to receive the season’s glad tidings. Today is the Feast of the Holy Innocents in which th…

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The Everlasting Answer to Hersey & Scandal

The Everlasting Answer to Hersey & ScandalThe Catholic Church is too big to fail, too true to flounder, and too divine to collapse. But, the Catholic Church is in need of revival.  The multitudes have been deserting the Church for centuries because of the heinous actions of the clergy because we equate faith with the wrong thing, rather person. The publishing […]

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Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs

Herod didn’t want the newborn King of the Jews to live beyondinfancy, at least not as long as Herod was in power.  His solutionwas to immediately destroy anyone who poses a threat to his power,pleasure, wealth, ease or comfort. It’s amazing to think to what extent Herod would go to assure hisundiminished power.  He would […]

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The Holy Innocents: Making Sense of Senseless Violence

The Holy Innocents: Making Sense of Senseless ViolenceAside from the Crucifixion, the massacre of the Holy Innocents may be the most seemingly senseless and horrific acts of violence recorded in the Bible. Herod was one of the cruelest dictators of his time. In a time of empire, his kingdom was unremarkable and small, but Herod clung to what power he did have […]

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Recovering the Theology of Creation

James M. Wilson: Our three most-recent popes have argued that care of the natural world means opposing the modern utilitarian spirit.

The post Recovering the Theology of Creation appeared first on The Catholic Thing.

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