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Month: December 2020

The Blessing

Pope Francis continued his series of catechesis on prayer, December 12, 2020, reflecting on the theme "The blessing" (Reading: Eph 1: 3-6). He recalled how in the Creation accounts in Genesis, God always and continually blesses life, and how …

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Wednesday of the First Week of Advent

Taking seven loaves of bread and a few fish, Jesus fed the crowds. Clearly, there was no limit to Jesus’ generosity that day. But is this the end of the story? Do we look back with nostalgia to the “good old days” when prophets spoke and miracles occurred? Do we wonder whether we could ever […]

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St. Bibiana

Although we have no official date of birth and death for St. Bibiana, according to tradition, she lived in Rome. She was the daughter of Flavian, a Roman knight, and Dafrosa, his wife, who were both zealous Christians. In the year 363, Julian the Apostate made Apronianus Governor of Rome. This pagan governor soon had […]

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