The Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI) has developed and introduced new geo-tagging software as part of the response to the Covid-19 health crisis. The new geo-tagging software, called “Corona Care”, helps to monitor in real-time the healthcare and economic assistance processes launched according to criteria of maximum transparency. Redemptorist, Fr. Mathew Abraham, Director General of CHAI, explains to Agenzia Fides: “This geo-tagging software allows us to have and elaborate in real-time the data and the implementation on a given project launched by the organization, in a completely clear and transparent way.

Current technological innovations have brought to light new methods for monitoring and reporting on the impact of funds received, which is greatly appreciated by financial partners”.
“Covid-19 – continues the Director – has affected people from all walks of life in India, in particular poor workers and day laborers. The Catholic Health Association of India, in addition to its usual medical assistance activities across India, was able to mobilize over 12 million rupees to provide food kits to 3,250 vulnerable families in 17 states of India. CHAI will continue to support these families (1500 of whom have disabled children) for the next 6 months”.

The Catholic Health Association of India is the largest non-governmental health network in India. More than 3,500 health institutions belong to it, ranging from primary health care centers to health-education institutions. Of these, 80% are located in remote areas of India and are managed by nursing nuns where doctors are not available.

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