By now, the majority of Americans have likely tuned out of the voter fraud saga. It is so extensive, so complex, but mostly, so futile. The steal is indeed proving to be too big to fail, and no one wants to touch it. Embittered and exhausted, disenfranchised Americans are done hoping and are mentally preparing for the worst.
Meanwhile, many Republican officeholders are positively eager to let the whole matter drop. Senator John Cornyn of Texas dismissed his own state’s claims of disenfranchisement. “Why would a state, even such a great state as Texas, have a say so on how other states administer their elections?” Never minding the fact that, in a national election, one state’s false election cancels out another state’s legitimate election.
Mr. Cornyn’s colleague Mitch McConnell likewise concluded, “the Electoral College has spoken.” Having recently won reelection, Mr. McConnell no longer bothers to take his own constituents’ objections seriously.
With all that said, there is some positive news that will bring some much-needed peace of mind to demoralized Americans. President Trump’s trade advisor Peter Navarro recently published a report summarizing the many instances of voter fraud in all six swing states.
Mr. Navarro released his report, not as a Trump Administration official, but as a private citizen. Nevertheless, in many ways, it is the culmination of so many investigations, reports, affidavits, statistical analyses, and other documentation alleging voter fraud. Mr. Navarro therefore declares that “ballots in question because of the identified election irregularities are more than sufficient to swing the outcome in favor of President Trump should even a relatively small portion of these ballots be ruled illegal.”
Some many might ask what difference this makes now if so many methods of legal recourse have proven fruitless. Most of those who are convinced of fraud need no further proof; those who are not convinced will never have enough. On both fronts, however, the Navarro Report does make a significant difference, if not a decisive one.
On a practical level, there actually is one more recourse to reversing the election due to fraud, which involves federal lawmakers raising official objections and debating whether to accept the electoral results of the states in question, also known as “dueling electors.” This process has happened twice in American history (once in 1960 and again in 1877), both much smaller in scale than what would happen in this election. The Navarro Report would help make the case of a rigged election and push lawmakers to reject the results.
On a moral level, the Navarro Report does the important work of simplifying what has proven hopelessly complex. Whatever might be claimed, most people trying to grapple with the extensive fraud happening in so many states suffer more from too much evidence than too little. Even experts struggle to keep up with all of it.
Fortunately, Mr. Navarro’s charts condense all of this and clearly shows what happened in each state. More than the newest video of a ballot-counter smuggling in a box of fake ballots or the newest series of graphs exposing yet another statistical anomaly, this report explains clearly that cheating happened, and it was serious enough to overturn the election.
True, the report may not sway many Americans. But perhaps a few more voters may finally at least question their certainty that this election was fair, and a few others might realize just how grave the extent of the fraud really was.
Admittedly, this is a tough pill to swallow. But what has been the alternative? Civic trust has been broken. Accountability for elected leaders is vanishing. America is devolving into an oligarchic system that rewards those who conform to elite opinion and punishes those who would follow the demands of their own conscience.
Christ said, “The truth will set you free.” This can also be understood as, “Lies will enslave you.” There can be no freedom in a world where narratives overtake reality. We inevitably become dependent on those who create the narrative and outsource all of our thinking to them.
Already, this is the case for nearly half of the country, who have made their peace with the lie and passively accept the falsehoods on their screens and the corruption of their leaders. It thus falls on those who desire freedom and truth to take on this problem. This is no pleasant task, but it is the first step to reform, and the only way true freedom becomes possible.
[Photo credit: Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images]
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