Theresa Tam is an odd, mysterious person, about whose past we know little, except that for years she has been involved in various globalist endeavours, as are most of Trudeau’s inner circle, especially the now-nearly-omnipotent and ominously named WHO. Tam’s recommendation of anonymous masked sex – yes, to protect from you-now-what, never mind the mortal sin and all that, for why would married couples mask up? – put her into weirdo category for me, and someone from whom I would not normally take advice, medical or otherwise. Will she mandate the vaccine? She’s hinting that way, and certainly wants to censor any ‘anti-vaxxer misinformation’. But peruse the above link; there has never been a successful vaccine for a coronavirus, not least since they mutate. We will wait and see, one day at a time, let the evil of the day be sufficient thereof, and so on. More to say on the vaccine in an article on the ‘Limits of Obedience’ soon enough.

Physicians across this fair dominion, and south of the border, especially those in any governmental role, the ‘Dr. Bonnie Henrys’ , with their soothing maternal tones, are feeling their new-found medico-pontifical powers to close, open, partly open, then totally close again, churches and the whole sacramental system with a wave of their stethoscopes. Much of Canada is under an interdict so vast, so wide, so long lasting, that even the most anathematistic of popes would not have dared impose such a decree. And the new liturgical vestment of the ‘mask’ is now-near ubiquitous, enforced with far more rigour than any moral law of living memory. The already-shaky edifice of the ecclesia moderna and her lawyered-up episcopacy are folding like a deck of old playing cards, and one wonders what will be left standing when this is all over (Will I find faith on earth?). For over it will be, at some point, even if the Church must go into schism, and/or underground. Certainly, things cannot be sustained much longer the way they are, with a Church submissive to an all-powerful secular State that doesn’t give much of a damn about souls, not least since they don’t believe in them, neither souls nor damnation. But both will become evident to them in due course, and we can only hope that they, and we all, examine the state of the former, and so avoid the latter state. For now, we must just wait for the right moment, when Deus sic vult – God so wills, Who, as a provident Father, will give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.

Pax et gaudium ad omnes, in this season of light and grace +


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