We find meaning in these words that add to the paradox of finding rest in labor and burden. Take the yoke that is easy and the burden light from a meek and humble master. A person has not become his true self unless he “dies” to himself. He will not be able to discover the wonder of what we call the “paradoxes in life” if he holds onto his own ways.
When a person marries, does a man automatically become a father? Does the woman automatically become a mother? We may inherit the title of father or mother but we do not become that in the true sense of the word. The process of learning comes when we intentionally take on the role and involve ourselves with the intricacies and demands of that role. The “father” only becomes a Father when he gives up his liberty and personal fun activities to be with his kids and to teach them. A “mother” only becomes a Mother when she gives up her leisure activities with her friends so that she can cook for the family, take care of the kids when they are sick and prepare them for school. These are many of the small ways of “dying to self” and taking the yoke and learning in the process.
These daily lessons prepare us to slowly become what God wants us to
be. It is only by obedience and practice that we will learn and
eventually evolve into our true beings.
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