Pope Francis in his November 22, 2020, Angelus commentary spoke of the supreme irony that the one men condemned — Jesus — would, in the end, be the judge of all. And the judge would be one who served rather than enjoying the trappings of office.

“The great parable with which the liturgical year closes is that which unfolds the mystery of Christ, the entire liturgical year,” the Pope said. “He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of history; and today’s liturgy focuses on the ‘Omega’, that is, on the final goal.

“The meaning of history is understood by keeping its culmination before our eyes: the goal is also the end…He, the one whom men are about to condemn is, in reality, the supreme judge. In His death and resurrection, Jesus will manifest Himself as the Lord of History, the King of the Universe, the Judge of all. But the Christian paradox is that the Judge is not vested in the fearful trappings of royalty, but is the shepherd filled with meekness and mercy.”

The Holy Father pointed out that Jesus saw the world from the perspective of the sheep as well as the shepherd. In making His judgments at the end of the world he will use both viewpoints.

“Therefore, at the end of the world, the Lord will inspect the flock, and he will do so not only from the perspective of the shepherd but also from the perspective of the sheep, with whom He has identified Himself, Francis said. “Brothers and sisters, let us look at the logic of indifference, of those who come to mind immediately. Looking away when we see a problem. Let us remember the parable of the Good Samaritan.”

Following is the Holy Father’s full commentary, provided by the Vatican:

Dear brothers and sisters, good afternoon!

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. The great parable with which the liturgical year closes is that which unfolds the mystery of Christ, the entire liturgical year. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of history; and today’s liturgy focuses on the “Omega”, that is, on the final goal. The meaning of history is understood by keeping its culmination before our eyes: the goal is also the end. And it is precisely this that Matthew accomplishes in this Sunday’s Gospel (25:31-46), placing Jesus’s discourse on the universal judgment at the end of His earthly life: He, the one whom men are about to condemn is, in reality, the supreme judge. In His death and resurrection, Jesus will manifest Himself as the Lord of History, the King of the Universe, the Judge of all. But the Christian paradox is that the Judge is not vested in the fearful trappings of royalty, but is the shepherd filled with meekness and mercy.

Jesus, in fact, in this parable of the final judgment, uses the image of a shepherd, He picks up these images from the prophet Ezekiel who had spoken of God’s intervention in favor of His people against the evil pastors of Israel (see 34:1-10). They had been cruel exploiters, preferring to feed themselves rather than the flock; therefore, God Himself promises to personally take care of His flock, defending it from injustice and abuse. This promise God made on behalf of His people is fully accomplished in Jesus Christ, the shepherd: He Himself is the good shepherd. He Himself even said of Himself: “I am the good shepherd” (Jn 10:11, 14).

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus identifies Himself not only with the king-shepherd, but also with the lost sheep, we can speak of a double identity: the king-shepherd, and also Jesus and the sheep: that is, He identifies Himself with the least and most in need of His brothers and sisters. And He thus indicates the criterion of the judgment: it will be made on the basis of concrete love given or denied to these persons, because He Himself, the judge, is present in each one of them. He is the judge. He is God and Man, but He is also the poor one, He is hidden and present in the person of the poor people that He mentions: right there. Jesus says: “Truly, I say to you, as you did it (or did it not) to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it (you did it not) to me” (vv. 40, 45). We will be judged on love. The judgment will be on love, not on feelings, no: we will be judged on works, on compassion that becomes nearness and kind help. Have I drawn near to Jesus present in the persons of the sick, the poor, the suffering, the imprisoned, of those who are hungry and thirsty for justice? Do I draw near to Jesus present there? This is the question for today.

Therefore, at the end of the world, the Lord will inspect the flock, and he will do so not only from the perspective of the shepherd but also from the perspective of the sheep, with whom He has identified Himself. And He will ask us: “Were you a little bit like a shepherd as myself?” “Where you a shepherd to me who was present in those people who were in need, or were you indifferent?” Brothers and sisters, let us look at the logic of indifference, of those who come to mind immediately. Looking away when we see a problem. Let us remember the parable of the Good Samaritan. That poor man, wounded by the brigands, thrown to the ground, between life and death, he was alone. A priest passed by, saw, and went on his way. He looked the other way. A Levite passed by, saw, and looked the other way. I, before my brothers and sisters in need, am I indifferent like the priest, like the Levite, and look the other way? I will be judged on this: on how I drew near, how I looked on Jesus present in those in need. This is the logic, and I am not saying it: Jesus says it. “What you did to that person and that person and that person, you did it to me. And what you did not do to that person and that person and that person, you did not do it to me, because I was there”. May Jesus teach us this logic, this logic of being close, of drawing near to Him, with love, to the person who is suffering most.

Let us ask the Virgin Mary to teach us to reign by serving. The Madonna, assumed into Heaven, received the royal crown from her Son because she followed Him faithfully – she is the first disciple – on the way of Love. Let us learn from her to enter God’s Kingdom even now through the door of humble and generous service. And let us return home with this phrase only: “I was present there. Thank you, or you forgot me”.

After reciting the Angelus the Holy Father continued:

Dear brothers and sisters,

I want to send a special thought to the populations of Campania and Basilicata forty years after the disastrous earthquake whose epicenter was in Irpinia and which sowed death and destruction. Forty years already. That dramatic event, whose wounds have not yet healed, highlighted the generosity and solidarity of the Italian people. Testimony of this are the many twinnings between areas where earthquakes have it and those of the North and Central Italy, whose bonds still endure. These initiatives have favored the difficult journey of reconstruction, and above all fraternity between the various communities on the Peninsula.

And I greet all of you, people from Rome, pilgrims, who notwithstanding the current difficulties and always respecting the rules, come to St Peter’s Square.

A special greeting to the families in this period who are struggling. Regarding this, think of the many families who find themselves in difficulty in this moment, because they do not have work, they have lost their job, they have one or two children… And at times, with a bit of shame, do not know what to make of this. But you are the ones who need to go and look where there is need. Where Jesus is, where Jesus is in need. Do this!

I wish everyone a good Sunday. And there are many of you from the “Immacolata” Thank you!

And do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch and arrivederci!

© Libreria Editrice Vatican

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