Before his Ascension into heaven, Jesus instructed his disciples to continue his mission and proclaim the Good News to all creation. We are Jesus’ disciples. He made all of us his stewards. The steward has the responsibility of taking care of the household until his master returns.
Each of us has been given unique gifts, talents and responsibilities
by God. These gifts and talents are meant not only for our own
development and benefit. God expects us to use them also to further
His mission of bringing His kingdom on earth to others. “When a man
has had a great deal given him, a great deal will be demanded of
him” (Lk 12:48). Upon his return, our Lord and Master will determine
whether we used the gifts and talents given to us responsibly and
whether they were used to benefit more people.
Let’s pray to Jesus and ask him to show us how we can become better and more loving stewards of his mission.
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