We Catholics often think we should sit back and let the bishops and priests do everything. We should look to them to save our Church.

But Archbishop Fulton Sheen has a word of exhortation for us:

“Who is going to save our Church? Do not look to the priests. Do not look to the bishops. It’s up to you, the laity, to remind our priests to be priests and our bishops to be bishops.”                                   – Archbishop Fulton Sheen

The Catechism also states,  “In accord with the knowledge, competence, and preeminence which they possess, [lay people] have the right and even at times a duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church, and they have a right to make their opinion known to the other Christian faithful, with due regard to the integrity of faith and morals and reverence toward their pastors, and with consideration for the common good and the dignity of persons.” (CCC 907).