If you don’t get the daily update from The Loop, I would highly suggest you check it out. Nice daily summary from Catholic Vote about Catholics and politics, important news, saint of the day, and more. Here are a few entries for today:
‘GOT THE VOTES’ Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-SC, said that Senate Republicans “got the votes” to confirm a Supreme Court nominee before Election Day. “We’re going to have a process that you’ll be proud of,” Graham said. “The nominee is going to be supported by every Republican in the Judiciary Committee, and we’ve got the votes to confirm the justice on the floor of the Senate before the election. And that’s what’s coming.” READ |
ELECTIONS & SUPREME COURT President Trump emphasized the fight over the Supreme Court vacancy during a rally of supporters in Swanton, OH. “I will soon announce a nominee for the United States Supreme Court. They say it’s the most important thing a president can do,” Trump said. READ |
TRUMP MEETS BARRETT President Trump met with Judge Amy Coney Barrett at the White House yesterday, several sources told Fox News. Barrett is considered the favorite for the Supreme Court among pro-life activists and is also favored by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. President Trump is expected to make an announcement on Friday or Saturday. READ
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