I was proud to add my blurb on the back of the book “Because of Our Fathers” by Tyler Rowley and published by Ignatius Press.
God reveals himself as Father for a reason. Earthly fathers have Him as their role model. No calling is more important —and it reflects the significance and glory of the Trinity.
“Our wounded generation demonstrates the result of absentee fathers, and the picture is not pretty. Tyler Rowley has given us glowing examples of the opposite—what happens when Christian fathers proudly take up the challenge of being real dads and leading their families to Christ. The ripples on the pond of life will continue onto the shores of eternity.”
Heartwarming and inspiring testimonies that should be read by every father [and fathers soon-to-be].
Personal Twitter – @tylerrowley
Personal Facebook – @tylerrowley
Facebook Book Page – @tylerrowleycatholic
His website – www.CatholicFatherBook.com(where they can buy the book).
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